brand essentials Pricing

1/Essential Headshot Package

30 Mins
5 Retouched Images
Can fit 1-2 outfits
One location


2/Professional Headshot Package

60 Mins
40 Retouched Images
Can fit multiple looks
Up to 2 locations


3/Complete Branding Package

Media Building Shoot:
Multiple looks and locations (if needed)
50+ Retouched Images
Highlight video reel (voiceover or music)
Behind-the-scenes video clips
Wardrobe and styling assistance

Also includes two additional mini sessions for updates


4/Online Presence Package

Photo Shoot with Bio and Resume Help
90 Minutes Total
30 Min Photo Shoot
60 Min Creating the Perfect Bio


5/Event Coverage (Photo Only)

The final price is based upon hours, guest count, and logistics and will vary per project.

1. Same-day $450/hr
2. 3-5 Business Day $250/hr
3. 6-10 Business Day $150/hr

Add on same-day social media sneak peeks, video coverage and more....

Two-hour minimum to book

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